12. State Savings Schemes

National Debt of Ireland

Savings Certificates 5,915 6,041
Savings Bonds 4,366 5,110
National Solidarity Bonds 3,445 2,576
Prize Bonds 2,481 2,176
Instalment Savings 483 479
Savings Stamps 2 2
16,692 16,384

Amounts shown in respect of Savings Certificates, Savings Bonds, Solidarity Bonds, Prize Bonds and Instalment Savings are net of €0.3 million (2014: €1.5 million) cash balances held by An Post, Permanent TSB and the Prize Bond Company. An Post and the Prize Bond Company act as registrars for the respective schemes.

As these financial statements are prepared on a cash basis, the liabilities do not include the sum of €504 million (2014: €599 million), being the estimate of the amount of accrued interest at 31 December 2015 in respect of Savings Certificates, Savings Bonds, and Instalment Savings.