7. Discretionary financial assets and liabilities

7.1 Fund structure and transition

Following the establishment of the ISIF in December 2014, the Fund has invested on a commercial basis in a manner designed to support economic activity and employment in Ireland. During 2016, the ISIF implemented a Global Portfolio Transition Strategy (GPTS), which positioned the Global Portfolio as a conservatively managed and liquid portfolio that will provide cash to fund investment opportunities in Ireland as they develop.

The total Discretionary Portfolio amounts to €8.1bn, of which €1.4bn is invested in the Irish Portfolio and €6.7bn is invested in the Global Portfolio. As at 31 December 2016, a total of €2.6bn was committed to the Irish Portfolio.

7.2 Discretionary Portfolio valuation

Investments at FVTPL 2016
Quoted equities 335 1,091
Direct private equity 48 17
Unquoted equities 0 0
Quoted debt instruments 1,941 581
Unquoted debt instruments 210 185
Property investments 189 236
Private equity investments 469 367
Forestry investments 41 30
Energy investments 26 -
Infrastructure investments 130 125
Quoted investment funds 2,912 2,306
Unquoted investment funds 829 387
Convertible preference shares 29 -
Convertible loan 1 -
Long-term receivables - 18
Unrealised gain on equity options - 11
Unrealised gain on futures contracts 9 -
Unrealised gain on foreign exchange contracts - 2
Total investments at FVTPL 7,169 5,356

Loans and receivables
Other debt 366 300
Other bonds 95 95
Total loans and receivables 461 395

Financial liabilities
Unrealised loss on equity options (1) -
Unrealised loss on credit default swaps (1) -
Unrealised loss on futures contracts - (1)
Unrealised loss on foreign exchange contracts (46) -
Total financial liabilities (48) (1)

Cash and cash equivalents
Treasury bills 33 450
Cash 394 1,281
Total cash and cash equivalents 427 1,731

Total discretionary financial assets and liabilities



Trade and other receivables


Balance due from brokers 39 -
Balance due to brokers - (15)
Other liabilities (18) (5)

Total discretionary net assets



< NOTE 6

NOTE 8 >