19. Deposit Monies Investment Account

This account records the borrowings and repayments of surplus funds held in the Supply Account of the Paymaster General.

The Supply Account of the Paymaster General is the account through which funding is provided by the Exchequer to Government Departments. Surplus funds which arise periodically on the PMG Supply Account are transferred and recorded against the Deposit Monies Investment Account.

Account of Receipts and Payments 2017
Balance at 1 January 786,812 465,119
Ways and Means Advances Paid to the Exchequer 8,002,432 4,994,364
Ways and Means Advances Repaid by the Exchequer (8,402,064) (4,672,671)
Balance at 31 December – Ways and Means Advances to the Exchequer (note 10) 387,180 786,812

< NOTE 18

NOTE 20 >