Search Results (868)
Statement in relation to Irish Amortising Bonds
20 August 2012 - Following the publication of a revised Funding Standard by The Pensions Board on 7 June 2012, the National Treasury Management Agency...
ViewNTMA Announces Bond Switch and Outright Sale Results
26 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency announces the results of today's exchange offer and sale of new bonds in which investors commit...
ViewNTMA Announces Bond Switch and Outright Sale
26 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency has announced details of (1) a new Bond Switch and (2) a new sale of Irish Government Bonds for...
ViewNTMA presentation for institutional investors, July 2012
20 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency has published the most recent version of its presentation for institutional investors. To see t...
ViewNTMA Publishes Information Memorandum on Irish Amortising Bonds
19 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has today published details of its new Irish Government amortising bonds. The Informatio...
ViewNTMA sets out "road map" for re-engagement with bond markets
19 July 2012 - The Chief Executive of the National Treasury Management Agency, John Corrigan, today set out a roadmap for Ireland's phased re-entry to...
ViewIreland sells €500m of Treasury Bills in first auction since September 2010
5 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has today completed an auction of Irish Treasury Bills, selling the target amount of €500...
ViewInformation Memorandum on Irish Treasury Bills
3 July 2012 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has today issued an updated Information Memorandum on Irish Treasury Bills.
ViewFunding of Exchequer Balance - Q2 2012
Funding of Exchequer Balance - Q2 2012 03 July 2012 3 July 2012 - The NTMA announces the funding of Exchequer balance figures for the second quart...