Search Results (868)
NTMA raises €4 billion from sale of new 5-year benchmark bond at a negative yield
The original version of this press release was subsequently updated to include the press release issued by the joint lead managers for the transaction...
ViewNTMA Funding Schedule for Quarter 4, 2017
2 October 2017 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) announces, subject to market conditions, the following auction schedule for the curren...
ViewNTMA welcomes Moody's upgrade of Ireland's sovereign credit rating to A2, stable outlook
15 September 2017 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) welcomes today's upgrade by Moody's of Ireland's sovereign credit rating to A2 with...
ViewIreland sells €1000 million of bonds maturing in 2026 and 2037 by auction
14 September 2017 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has today completed an auction of €1000 million of the benchmark Irish Government b...
ViewNTMA to auction two bonds on 14 September 2017
11 September 2017 - The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) announces that it will hold a bond auction on Thursday, 14 September 2017. There wi...
ViewNTMA statement on proposal to seek lender agreement on early repayment of IMF loans and other facilities totalling approx. €5.5bn
7 September 2017 - Today the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, has announced that Ireland intends to repay...
ViewNTMA Institutional Investor Presentation, August 2017
30 August 2017 - The National Treasury Management Agency has published the latest version of its presentation for institutional investors. To see the ...
ViewIrish Language Scheme
9 August 2017 - The NTMA was requested by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs to prepare a draft Irish Language Sch...
ViewInterest Rate change for Prize Bonds announced
28 July 2017 The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has announced a change in the variable interest rate used to calculate the prize fund fo...